Opel Replacement Car Keys
Opel car keys are like any other car manufacture they have car keys with protection built into them. Pre 1997 all car keys have a chip in the key head which transfers information to the ECU in the car or van when the correct key is placed into the ignition.
Auto Locksmiths are advanced locksmiths operating in the Dublin with multiple vans in operation covering all local areas in Dublin and surrounding areas. Our qualified locksmiths are just a phone call away.
Call Now On 087-3339333 or 01-8889888
We can have our mobile locksmith with you in a very short time of receiving the can. The locksmiths will be able to assist you in any car key related issue you might have. We cover all makes and models: Opel Meriva, Opel Astra, Opel Corsa, Opel Zafira, Opel Omega, Opel Calibra, Opel Vectra.
Opel Car Keys Services Includes:
- 12 Month Guarantee on All Opel Models and Makes
- Opel keys replaced in 1 hour
- Repair Damaged Opel Keys
- Opel Remotes & Fobs Replaced or Repaired
- Same Day Service
- Auto locksmith Mobile service
- Free Quotes/charge
- Opel lock installations to insurance standards
- Servicing Opel Keys Jammed in ignition
Autolocksmiths.ie operate under AAA Bound Ltd – PSA Licence Number 00709
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