Auto Locksmiths in Tallaght, D24

Auto Locksmith Tallaght Why call Auto Locksmiths in Tallaght ? Because we are here to help with any car key related issues that you might have. Replacement keys, repair car key, broken car keys, additional car keys call our mobile locksmith now on 8889888 we will provide a cost effective solution to suit you.

All our Auto locksmiths have had intensive training so you know you are getting the best service from a professionally trained locksmith. Our mobile engineers can advise on a solution to all your requirements. We offers a vast range of locksmith services for every make, model and brand of cars and commercial vans. don’t wait call no on 8889888 for our local engineer local to you. Our customers are important to us so we offer a guarantee on all our services. We provide a invoice after completion of every job which will show detail of the works that have being completed. We also provide services to some insurance companies whom have trust in the service we provide.

Lost your car keys?

If the unfortunate instance of losing your keys does happen to you, and you find yourself without any spare key, there is no need to feel unsecured. Call us and our mobile auto locksmith team will reach your place and repair or replace your keys on site and make you back on the road in a quick time.

Most cars from 1995 to current come with transponder keys that have remote button head or have a standard car key with plastic or rubber head, and within the key is a chip that contains data similar to that in the engine control unit (ECU) of the car. Without the chip, the ignition of the car fails to start. In addition to providing/making replacement keys for the usual pre-immobilizer cars, we also have the necessary technological capacity to provide keys for all the current models of cars.
Auto Locksmiths have the necessary diagnostic machine that needs to be put into the ECU and retrieve and program the codes to make a new key. The modern equipments and the special training that our professionals possess are made use of to cut and program new keys for various car models and makes.

Key breaks in the door lock or ignition?

At Auto Locksmiths Tallaght, the experts work with special tools that are helpful to extract any broken car key without any further damage done to the lock. Depending on the type of lock and the enormity of the damage, the lock may be required to be replaced, but in most of the instances, the lock will be operational in a short time. We can also cut a copy of the key from the broken car key.

It needs mentioning here that for car key that is worn or bent at some point is likely to have stress fracture in it and is the point for the key to ultimately break. However, it would be better to get a fresh copy now and save yourself from the harassment of making an emergency call.

Automotive Lock Repairs

It is not always the best option to buy a new and classy replacement lock. In spite of being robust, automotive locks often have some moving parts in them that can be replaced or repaired and make them re-conditioned. Hence the first choice for you should be to contact Auto Locksmiths so that we can make a thorough assessment and provide quotation cost to repair or replace the lock.

Auto Locksmiths Tallaght services include:

  • Replacement Car Keys
  • Broken Car Key Extraction
  • Non Destructive Vehicle Entry
  • Car Key Cutting from Key Number
  • Duplicate Car Keys
  • Mobile Car Locksmith
  • Van & Truck Locksmiths
  • lock installations to insurance standards
  • No Hidden Costs
  • Free Quotations Available
  • 24 Emergency Auto Locksmith Services
    • Call us and our expert auto locksmiths will be ready to offer you with perfect and impartial advice. We guarantee to be present at your place whenever you find yourself locked out of your vehicle or lose your key. Call Now 01-8889888 operate under AAA Bound Ltd – PSA Licence Number 00709

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